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«Согреваем тело и душу»

Подбираем бани и сауны для комфортного отдыха

catalog of baths and saunas

Number of results found: 36 baths/saunas

catalog of baths and saunas: Kyiv, Russian sauna, Sauna on the wood, Hammam (turkish bath), Chan Bath

Russian sauna
Sauna on the wood
Hammam (turkish bath)
Chan Bath
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# 2

price 250 грн/час, минимум 2 часа

address Улица: ул. Богдана Гаврилишина 12/16, вход со двора

rooms Парные: Финская сауна, Инфракрасная сауна, Криосауна, Турецкая баня

Number of results found: 36 baths/saunas
1 2


Country complex near Kiev «FORT PIRNOV PARK» (25 min. from Kyiv) 0
from 1000 UAH / hour / up to 6 people / min 3 hours
+38 0XX XXX XX XX view fully
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FISHING - BEACH REST - BATH HOUSES WITH "HARVES" - PIG-IRON CHAN FOR BATHING - ROOMS - HOUSES Bath + gazebo + barbecue from just 1200 UAH / hour / 8 people

Адрес: Kyiv, Kiev region, Vyshgorod district, with. Pirnovo, st. Oak Guy 1 (25 min. from Kyiv), 50.748472,30.685667


Working hours

On weekdays: 10:00 - 22:00

On the weekend: 10:00 - 22:00

Вath on the wood «Berth» 0
from 500 UAH/hour
+38 0XX XXX XX XX view fully
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Street: crossing street Heroes of Stalingrad and st. Prirechnaya descent to the bay of the Dnieper Camel fishing and sports base EMERALD

Region: Kyivska oblast

City: Kyiv

Districts: Obolonsky

GPS: 50.535096, 30.522254


Working hours: 24 hours

Slavyanskiy log-house, sauna on the wood 0
from 500 UAH/hour
+38 0XX XXX XX XX view fully
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We invite you to a real Russian bathhouse from the Carpathian Smereka with a cast-iron wood-burning stove. Spacious Finnish spruce steam room, swimming pool, ibaat waterfall, billiards, barbecue, brooms and accessories, parking.

Адрес: Kyiv, Troeshchina Mira street 23, 50.511456,30.589301

Working hours: 24 hours

Firewood sauna «Friday» by the water 0
from 500 UAH / hour
+38 0XX XXX XX XX view fully
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Street: St. Prirechnaya, 37

Region: Kyivska oblast

City: Kyiv

Districts: Obolonsky

GPS: 50.5350947, 30.5223343


Working hours

On weekdays: 10:00 - 22:00

On the weekend: 10:00 - 22:00

BaniHata 0
from 250 - 1000 UAH/hour
+38 0XX XXX XX XX view fully
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Bath complex "BANIKHATA". After working days, a good rest is simply necessary. Here you can relax, relieve stress and enjoy peace and quiet. The result is improved health and well-being.

Адрес: Kyiv, m.Slavutich. 39th Sadovaya 1D. From the metro station Slavutych 2 minutes by car or 10 minutes on foot, 50.390689,30.594433

Working hours

On weekdays: 11:00 - 21:00

On the weekend: 11:00 - 21:00

Bathhouse «Paradise» 0
Sauna #1
Up to 6 people
Bath №2
Up to 8 people
from 450 to 500 UAH/hour
+38 0XX XXX XX XX view fully
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Street: st. Bondarskaya, 5/2

Region: Kyivska oblast

City: Kyiv

Districts: Podolsky

GPS: 50.493392, 30.458306


Working hours: 24 hours

Hammam «Bodrum» 0
Turkish sauna
Up to 6 people
from 500 UAH / hour
+38 0XX XXX XX XX view fully
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Street: st. Honore De Balzac, 4

Region: Kyivska oblast

City: Kyiv

Districts: Desnyansky

GPS: 50.49926, 30.577359


Working hours: 24 hours

Health complex «Evrika» 0
from 600 UAH / hour
+38 0XX XXX XX XX view fully
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A chic place for a company of up to 10 people. Spend time in luxury. Enjoy water treatments and soaring in the Roman and Finnish steam rooms at the same time.

Адрес: Kyiv, St. Reitarskaya 9, 50.451262,30.512896

Working hours: 24 hours

Hotel and recreation complex «Orchid» 0
from 400 UAH / hour
+38 0XX XXX XX XX view fully
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Street: st. Gazoprovodnaya 167

Region: Kyivska oblast

City: Kyiv

Districts: Podolsky

GPS: 50.50170, 30.38917


Working hours: 24 hours

Банно-оздоровительный комплекс «Трипольское солнце» 0
Bath "Medova"
Up to 8 people
Bath "Khmіlna" -VIP
Up to 10 people
Bath "Spіvocha"
Up to 6 people
Bath "Forest"
Up to 6 people
from 800 UAH / hour
+38 0XX XXX XX XX view fully
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Street: Kiev region., 27 km of Novoobukhovskaya highway, s. Podgortsy, opposite the Blue Lake (10 km from Kiev)

Region: Kyivska oblast

City: Pidhirtsi

GPS: 50.246036, 30.559964

Steam rooms: Sauna on the wood

Working hours: 24 hours

Sauna on the wood «Paradise lake» 0
Up to 6 people
Up to 4 people
Up to 10 people
from 600 UAH / hour
+38 0XX XXX XX XX view fully
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Street: 7 km of the highway Kiev-Cellars (a couple of kilometers from Troyeshchyna)

Region: Kyivska oblast

City: Kyiv

Districts: Desnyansky

GPS: 50.550519, 30.618815


Working hours: 24 hours

Sauna on the wood «Laguna» by the water 0
From 500 UAH / hour
+38 0XX XXX XX XX view fully
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Street: Prirechnaya street, 32

Region: Kyivska oblast

City: Kyiv

Districts: Obolonsky

GPS: 50.5349701, 30.5219125


Working hours: 24 hours

Bath of Aphrodite 0
Bath in the tub 1
Up to 8 people
Bath in the tub 2
Up to 8 people
1200 UAH / hour for two
+38 0XX XXX XX XX view fully
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Street: Park of Friendship of Peoples (X-Park)

Region: Kyivska oblast

City: Kyiv

Districts: Obolonsky

Metro: Pochaina

GPS: 50.495914, 30.547040

Steam rooms: Chan Bath

Working hours

On weekdays: 10:00 - 22:00

On the weekend: 10:00 - 22:00

Bathhouse on Jalil 0
Up to 10 people
from 600 UAH/hour
+38 0XX XXX XX XX view fully
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"Bathhouse on Jalil" - Russian wood-fired bathhouse on Vinogradar. Sat, Sun 450 UAH/hour A cozy and atmospheric sauna for a good rest. Here you can truly relax and improve your health! There is a swimming pool, a large and comfortable steam room for

Адрес: Kyiv, st. Musa Jalil, 46, 50.51772,30.42432


Working hours

On weekdays: 10:00 - 00:00

On the weekend: 24 hours

Sauna on the wood «New Petrivtsi» 0
Wooden hall
Up to 12 people
Russian sauna on wood
Up to 12 people
from 400 UAH/hour
+38 0XX XXX XX XX view fully
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Cozy, quiet place 5 km. from Kyiv, ideal for a pleasant stay. Steaming with brooms and relaxation in the jacuzzi. The large bath area allows you to organize a birthday party, a meeting of friends, a bachelorette party.

Адрес: Kyiv, New Pertovtsy village, st. field, 50.606887,30.449239

Steam rooms: Sauna on the wood

Working hours: 24 hours

Zhulyansky bath yard 0
Up to 10 people
UAH 700/hour for up to 10 people.
+38 0XX XXX XX XX view fully
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A real wood-burning bath with brooms, you can freely throw water on the stones to steam, there is also a lake in the yard where you can take a dip after steaming with a broom, the bath is designed for a company of up to 10 people. A gazebo with a bar

Адрес: Kyiv, Troyandovaya (Rozovaya) 48 (Zhulyany district), 50.39954,30.45393


Working hours

On weekdays: 09:00 - 23:00

On the weekend: 09:00 - 23:00

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